


Dimcho Vassilev Aladjov was born on 14 March 1930 in the family of a Bulgarian officer. In 1957 he graduated Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – specialty “History, archeology and museum work”. In August 1957, he began work in the previously established County Historical Museum five years ago as the first curator of the Archeology department. Thus began his creative path of archaeologist and creator of the archaeological department of the museum – 33 years dedicated to exploring and promoting the ancient history of Haskovo and the Haskovo region. We can hardly mention the hundreds of exhibitions, newspaper articles, lectures, and publications on popular archeological heritage among the general public.

Dimcho Aladjov is honored in 1973 by the Cyril and Methodius Order – 2nd Grade, he is also honored with a 1300 year Bulgaria Jubilee Medal and in 2002 with the Honorable Citizen of Haskovo.